What is student life about? Check how many you can relate to!

Student life from A to Z

What is student life made of? A quick guide in a nutshell to the alphabet of a student life. See what you can expect from the upcoming study years or how many you can relate to! 

Academic year = Academic year refers to a full school year, usually from September - May/June. Even though the year may seem endless, the autumn break is right around the corner in October!

Budget = Students’ budget is often tight, and many come up with the most creative ways to save money. Budgeting may sound boring but might be your best friend when trying to make your money last until the next payday! See more saving tips here. 

Campus = Studying at home became a norm for many of us during the years of COVID-19. Soon enough, it became clear how important it was to spend time on campus, participate in real-life lectures, hang out with our classmates and make the most of your time there. Thankfully, lockdown times seem to be behind us!

Deadline = No matter how many days you have until the deadline, it always seems to arrive too soon and so very suddenly. Finishing the assignments last minute seems to be more of a rule than an exception among students. As we know, pressure is the best motivator!

Exam period = The frightening time at the end of each course. During this time, thankfully, there are usually no classes but only exams scheduled, so you have all the time to focus on passing these. But do we, with Netflix and phones, so tempting within reach? If it seems you have not opened your books during the course, see ISIC’s tips for exams here

Flatmates = Many of us have an experience sharing an apartment with plenty of flatmates (see B, Budget). Flatmates can become your best friends, with whom you share not only the bathroom, but also the stressful breakdowns while trying to deal with your studies and the awesome house parties you host together at your place. Flatmates can also make your life difficult if you do not get along. Make sure to create clear rules what comes to cleaning, cooking and guests. 

Group assignment = Group projects will be part of your studies, whether you want it or not. For some students, this is their savior, whereas for others another stress factor. Someone has no clue what’s going on during the whole project, another is too busy to participate, one tells how they are going to help but actually aren’t, and someone does the actual work.

House parties = House parties, the best parties! Enjoy it while it lasts, as when the student times are behind, there seem to be no more house parties in sight. 

ISIC (International Student Identity Card) = Digital ISIC is a student’s must! Your ticket to over 150.000 student discounts, experiences, and services around the world! Read why to get ISIC here and order your own here. 

Junior student = First year students, common term especially used in the USA. 

KILROY = The most inspiring trips for young travelers, with the best student prices. Whether you plan a backpacking trip in Asia, a road trip in the USA, or an adventure in Costa Rica, KILROY is your choice. 

Library = Library is going to be a place where you spend a lot of time. Whenever you have to actually get things done, group assignments to finish or pass the exams, library is your choice.

Moodle = A place where you find all you need to know. Courses, deadlines, important dates to sign up for classes, and so on. If your institute does not use Moodle, you most likely have a similar variant online platform. 

Noodles = The stereotype and a classic of a student's daily diet. Quick and easy, but don’t be fooled, in the long run, noodles are not that cheap and have very little nutrition. 

Online shopping = Instead of actually listening to a lecture, students typically find more interesting ways to spend their time in the class. There is always at least one browsing online shops during the lecture. However, use your time wisely if you have made it there, make sure to take notes and listen. You can browse shops and watch movies at home way more comfortably.

Parties = The best part of the student's life. No matter how full your calendar seems, there is no way you would miss the party! Always a reason to celebrate, whatever the day of the week is. 

Responsibilities = Nobody, but a student themselves is responsible for their own well-being, finances, collecting enough study points and passing the courses. Responsibility is a key of a student life, even though all of it may seem like a lot to handle at once. Check how to become more productive with ISIC's tips!

Stress = Life as a student can be hectic, the courses already have plenty of tasks; exams, lectures, group projects, and essays.. On top of this, you should be able to handle hobbies, social life, and a possible side job to earn some extra money and gain precious work experience! How to survive all this when it seems there just aren't enough hours in the day? Release the stress with ISIC’s tips! 

Thesis = Thesis is the final step in finishing your studies. It does require a lot of work and patience, and starting the project may seem stressful or even impossible, but to graduate, it’s something that all the students have to deal with. There is no point to worry about the thesis beforehand, but if you are in the middle of it, grab here a few tips on how to make it smoother!

University = Either you study in University or applied science, this time is truly special. You may find the best friends of your life on campus, spend time abroad for the exchange or start your career with the first internship. Despite all the stress and work, remember to make the most of your student time in every possible way!

Variety of tasks = Exams, lectures, group projects, essays.. List is endless. Studies do prepare you for your future on so many levels and are not there to annoy you. Sometimes it feels like you should be a master of everything, with very little knowledge, but it will all be fine after all. 

Whatsapp = Crucial part of your daily life to keep in touch with your family and friends, especially if you have moved further away for your studies. Soon you also notice being part of multiple group chats and group assignment chats sending notifications day and night. 

Zen mode = If you continuously find a phone in your hand whenever you are supposed to get things done, a Zen mode may be your savior. Put your phone into Zen mode, when only phone calls get through, but no disturbing notifications catch your eye! 


